Tag: Transformational Leadership
What Bernie Madoff Has Taught Me
A spiritual lesson from “the man that no one will mourn.”
Your New Boss?
Openness is a necessary 21st Century virtue. Distinguish your preferences from your principles.
The Crying Leader
Men are realizing that their “Executive Presence” can include tears. King David models what strong leaders today are embracing — vulnerability is a sign of strength.
The Pause That Can Change Your Career
You have a daily opportunity to change your career — and your life — with one strategic pause.
What Lens Implants Have Taught Me
Seeing more clearly actually starts with our ears! What we hear, plus a little courage, can move us gently to a new point of view.
Fuel for Leadership
The 2020 election was a referendum on the values we want in a leader. The necessary fuel for any good leader is a set of strong values and principles. Here’s what this election can mean for our country — and for your spiritual life.
Calmness is Contagious!
We can be “carriers of calmness.” Another discussion group names CALMNESS as the #1 virtue America needs most today. Learn how to cultivate #calmness and practice #inspirationalleadership #transformationalleadership #businessleadership.