June 15, 2020


The Rev. Dr. Larry Buxton has been an ordained United Methodist minister since 1975. He served full-time in the Virginia Conference of that denomination for 41 years and has held part-time ministerial positions since 2016. He taught in various part-time positions at Wesley Theological Seminary for 13 years.

Larry’s first book was A Very Larry Life: Into, Through and Beyond Parish Ministry, printed in 2019. It’s an autobiographical look “behind the scenes” of being a local church pastor.

His second and most recent book, 30 Days with King David: On Leadership, is a character-focused study of the historical King of Israel. He utilizes insights and examples from David’s life to inspire and guide leaders today.

Larry is currently writing his third book, an imaginative biography of his great-great uncle, John Thomas Buxton, a Confederate soldier who was captured at Gettysburg, taken to a Union POW camp, and died in service of the South at age 24. Anticipated publication date 2026.

Larry began Larry Buxton Coaching in 2012 and has earned several coaching credentials. His written and video posts have encouraged hearers and readers since 2020. Originally titled “Leading With Spirit,” it is now known as “Character Study.”

His wife, Beverly Mease-Buxton, has been a professional leadership and communications coach throughout her career. They have two married sons and six grandchildren. Larry enjoys travel, rock music history, family genealogy, and Washington Nationals baseball.

30 Days with King David: On Leadership
Rev. Dr. Larry Buxton

The following originally appeared as an article by Kenneth C. Whitt on tracesofgodministries.com:

Just how important are truth, integrity, reliability?  Everyone has to decide who, and what sources, they will trust. Just a couple of days ago, I listened to Larry Buxton’s podcast on leadership and integrity.  Highly recommended, and most timely!  Here you go…

Larry is also a father, grandfather, author and leadership Coach.  I have just finished reading his recent book on King David and Leadership.  Buy it at amazon.com.  Read it slowly, absorb the insights.  It will impact the way you lead, whether you are leading a business, a church, a family or a community. (Kenneth C. Whitt, author, God Is Just Love)