Category: Character Study
Integrity? Let’s Hear It for Liz
Courage and character in action
Is Honesty Really Necessary?
One newsmaker tells when being a crook is preferable to being an honest leader. How important IS honesty?
Facing the Brutal Facts
What do you do when the truth is painful? Embrace the Stockdale Paradox.
What Bernie Madoff Has Taught Me
A spiritual lesson from “the man that no one will mourn.”
What’s Right or What’s Good?
Doing the right thing is not the same as doing the good thing. Here’s why.
Your New Boss?
Openness is a necessary 21st Century virtue. Distinguish your preferences from your principles.
When No One’s Watching
Integrity, as C. S. Lewis said, is what you do when no one is watching.
Or, as Anthony Fauci notes, when everyone is watching.
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore!
I discover ancestors who moved to Kansas in the 1800’s, when living was hard — and dying was strange. What’s in our histories — and our todays?!