Signs of Hope

What kind of leadership do we most need now? Diverse gatherings of Christians, Jews and Muslims spark hope as they name virtues and values we hold in common. Three major faiths work towards a common vision for our communities — and our nation.

When Your Family Vision Collapses

A family that claims a principled vision for itself also says, “This is who we are and what we’re about. We live by values deeper than just being successful. We’re here to cultivate character in our members.” But families confront scores of terrible giants in the years they have together. What then?

A Vision Bigger than Harry’s

In the story of David and Goliath, one thing that tips the confrontation David’s way is David’s vision. David steps onto the battlefield with a clear vision of why he’s there. He’s not seeking personal glory or fame, and he’s aiming higher than improving the reputation of Israel’s army.

Only Patience Will Save Us

Patience isn’t given a lot of respect these days. Leadership books encourage Smarter Faster Better and The Speed of Trust and tell you How to Be a Kick-Ass Boss. But Leo Tolstoy was right when he said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”