Hi! Just a note to let you know that I’ve updated the website www.larrybuxton.com. I hope you can see it’s better organized. I’ve included a new opening video to help you navigate it more easily.
I’m also planning to make my first book – A Very Larry Life: Into, Through and Beyond Parish Ministry – available here, beginning early next year.
A Very Larry Life is an anecdote-filled look “behind the scenes” at the vocation of parish ministry, and how I attempted to balance congregational expectations, grumbling parishioners, personal goals and family life throughout my ministry. It includes spiritual reflections and funny stories throughout.
I’ve also renamed Leading With Spirit. As we age through and out of the work force, leading becomes more about influencing by the impact of character. Character Study more appropriately names how I’ll be highlighting the stories of quietly influential people. All videos and essays, past and future, remain under the Blog heading.
Take a look around, and let me hear from you with comments, ideas and suggestions.